Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Zo Long, Zorrak.

Sir Roderick has defeated another demon lord.

It's been 2 months since Roderick's last victory. Over that time, I've mostly played Dominion of the Spear, but I decided to try a little adventuring using Demonslayer.

Here is the map of Roderick's wanderings. He started at the star and ended at the shield.

Here is his diary of encounters.

When he found the Demon's Mark, he was able to use his clues to summon his next enemy, Zorrak the World Eater.

The two combatants circle each other, looking for an opening. Roderick dodges under the demon lord's claws. Using his knowledge learned from a wizard, our hero knows exactly where to strike. His magic sword bites deep. Zorrak howls in rage.

The demon slashes with his claws. Roderick does not move and the claws rend deep into his flesh. But Roderick is within reach of Zorrak's weak spot and he does not want to give up his advantage. He stabs again, deep into Zorrak's vitals. The demon howls and claws madly. Roderick takes another brutal wound but he holds his ground. With a mighty slash, Roderick splits open the demon's belly. Black ichor spills over the warrior.

Zorrak collapses and his body disintegrates.

Roderick is victorious! Only one demon lord left!

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