Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Baseball is Back!

After some consideration, I finalized my plans for a dice baseball league.

The League
I'm calling my league the Roaring 20s Baseball League.

I had Microsoft Copilot create a logo. Not bad, but some obvious flaws.

The Teams
I devised an 8-team league drawn from some of the top major league baseball teams of the 1920s. These are the teams I chose.
  • 1929 Chicago Cubs (98 wins, National League champions)
  • 1920 Cleveland Indians (98 wins, World Series champions)
  • 1923 New York Giants (95 wins, National League champions)
  • 1927 New York Yankees (110 wins, World Series champions)
  • 1929 Philadelphia Athletics (104 wins, World Series champions)
  • 1925 Pittsburgh Pirates (95 wins, World Series champions)
  • 1928 St. Louis Cardinals (95 wins, National League champions)
  • 1925 Washington Senators (96 wins, American League champions)
Note: I originally chose these for the initial iteration of the R20BL, which never completed play.

The Schedule
I went around and around about how many games to play and how to format it. I finally decided
  • Each team will play 14 games (2 vs each other team).
  • Teams play home and away against each other
  • The top American League team will then play the top National League team for the R20 championship.
  • I don't have a set schedule when I will play the games. I'll just do it when I feel like it. I hope to finish by the real World Series in October, but we'll see.
Initial Games
The league is under way.

Series 1 - Chicago Cubs vs Washington Senators
  • Game 1 - Chicago 6 - Washington 4
    • What a game! The Cubs raced out to an early 3-0 lead. Cleveland scored 2 in the middle innings. Late in the game, the Cubs scored 1 on a home run. Then Cleveland's #7 hitter, Doc Johnston, belted a 2-run homer to tie the score.
    • In extra innings, the Cubs had bases loaded and their slugger Hack Wilson up. Cleveland's relief walked him, bringing in the winning run,
  • Game 2 - Chicago 4 - Washington 0
    • Pitchers Guy Bush and Art Nehf combined for a shutout and the Cubs scored 4 in the middle innings to win easily.
Series 2 - Cleveland Indians vs. St. Louis Cardinals
  • Game 1 - St Louis 2 - Cleveland 1
    • The Cardinals scored 2 runs early on a homer by cleanup hitter Chick Hafey. Cleveland got 1 on a triple by Ray Chapman. The next batter grounded out to end the game.
  • Game 2 - St Louis 4 - Cleveland 1
    • Midgame, the Cardinals score 4 runs on 4 doubles. They breeze to an easy victory

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