Thursday, March 6, 2025

Spring Is Here and Other Musings

In my usual GADD (Gamer's Attention Deficit Disorder) fashion, I find myself searching out a change of pace. I put the Dominion of series to the side for now.
But there is a DoTS game report coming up this weekend. Stay tuned!

Fantasy Awakens
It's been a couple of months since I did anything fantasy related. Over the weekend, I completed another quest in Demonslayer. This has awakened my interest in fantasy, and now I'm looking at a solo RPG.

When last we left my solo RPG campaign, my hero Ser Killian finished the Dragon of Icespire Keep adventure. I did it using Micro Dungeon, my quick play dungeon crawl rules. 

What next for Ser Killian? I debated retiring him and experimenting with Micro Dungeon using low level characters. Recently, I came to a decision. I will continue his adventures with the Storm Lord's Wrath. These D&D adventures require a bit of modification for Micro Dungeon, but I prepped the first encounter. I should play it soon.

The Pitfalls of Blogging
I really enjoy blogging, writing the narratives of the games I play. But sometimes it can hold me back. When I do play something, I want to photograph it for posterity.

Sometimes I just want to roll dice, but I don't want to spend time recording the results. When this happens, I usually do nothing. It would be nice to have a game that does not require a lot of record-keeping.

In the Spring an Old Man's Fancy Lightly Turns to
Baseball! At least here in the States.

Back in 2022 I devised a fairly simple baseball dice game. I planned to play out a full league schedule. Naturally, GADD struck and I abandoned the campaign after a few games.

This struck me as an answer to my blogging dilemma. With quick play baseball, I don't have to write full reports for every game and I don't have to photograph. Instead, I could just keep the box scores and then post periodic league updates.

There are some drawbacks to this approach, however.
  • I lack the discipline to maintain a long campaign.
  • I need to investigate ways to streamline the game. If I recall, my biggest issue was prepping the scoresheets. Can I make this process easier?
So now I am pondering a return to baseball. Stay tuned!

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