Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The World Breaker Breaks

Sir Roderick is at it again.

I had some free time one morning and decided to play a few encounters of Demonslayer. Roderick defeated a demon lord in his previous outing so I reset the board and his health, and started again.

Here is his path, starting at the red star and ending at the red shield. Black X's mark encounters.

Here is the diary of his encounters.

I only planned to play a few encounters, but I kept going. I wanted to end with a good fight, but Roderick is pretty powerful now so combat was generally one-sided.

Finally, our hero reached an obelisk. With 3 clues, he could summon a demon lord. As it so happened, he got a third clue in an abandoned library in his previous encounter!

Enter Vorgath the World-Breaker!

I was confident going into this - Roderick actually had an advantage over Vorgath. Roderick had more hp, hit for more damage, and defended on an 8 or lower on 2D6. But he needed a 6 or less to hit the demon lord. Also, the demon lord's powerful blows could knock Roderick to his feet.

There was a stalemate early on - Roderick kept missing but so did Vorgath. But slowly Roderick whittled down his enemy. He also took some wounds, but he usually managed to stay on his feet. Thus, the advantage remained with Roderick.

Finally, the combatants traded hits. Roderick remained standing while Vorgath collapsed and disintegrated into nothingness!

Roderick has now eliminated 4 of the 6 demon lords!

And this game remains a great time-filler for when I don't feel like setting up anything more complex.

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