Thursday, January 23, 2025


Ah, GADD (gamer's attention deficit disorder) has struck again!

My New Inspiration
It's all because of this movie.

I finally watched it last weekend. It gave me a hankering for some Cold War action.

If you are unfamiliar with the movie, here is the Wikipedia description.

The Project
How to go about gaming this?

Well, I don't think I will reprise the movie itself. Instead, I'm considering an "inspired-by" approach gaming a Soviet invasion of the U.S. in the 1980s.

I have some generic counters I can press into service.

I'd like to have each counter represent a squad or team of infantry or a single vehicle.

For rules, I'll likely tweak MicroBattle for my needs. I am researching rules, looking for some ideas on handling the different weapon types. For example, how can I include helicopters and RPGs? Also, how do I adjust the rules so that guerrillas have a fighting chance against regular force? I welcome any suggestions!

Rather than battling in the Rockies, like Red Dawn, I may set battles in my home state of Florida. Perhaps a Cuban invasion in support of the main Soviet effort.

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