Wednesday, January 29, 2025

More DotS

Despite my little detour into Cold War gaming, I haven't forgotten Dominion of the Spear (DotS)

An Expansion
The author Steve has already put out an expansion - 36 Ancient Battles for Dominion of the Spear
You can find a detailed description at Wargame Vault.

I already purchased my copy. I look forward to playing all these battles! Stay tuned for battle reports.

My Boxed Set
I'm putting together a boxed set for DotS. I'm creating two new counter armies specifically for the box. I'm going with the classic Red vs. Blue.

If I did my math correctly, each army should have enough counters to make any force listed in the main book.

Here is my completed Red army.
Flanks: Missile (left) and Melee Mounted
Upper middle: Missile (top) and Melee Infantry
Middle: Leader
Lower middle: Chariots (Melee on the flanks, Missile in the middle)
Bottom: Elephants

To save space and money, I made the counters double-sided - melee on one side and missiles on the other. For example, I have 6 infantry stands with melee on one side and missile on the other. Therefore, I can field either (a) 6 melee infantry, (b) 6 missile infantry, or (c) any mix of melee and missile up to a total of 6 units.

The Red army is done. I am still working on the blue army.

DotS does not have separate leaders. Instead, leaders are factored into a unit's rating. But I like having leader counters, so I made one.

I'm still not sure how to use them in games. Steve made an excellent comment on this post about a lack of evidence about them switching units. Still, I think the idea is plausible despite a lack of evidence. I'm wrestling about it now.

At least, I can attach a leader permanently to a unit, kind of like DBA.

Once my box set is complete, what do I plan to do with it?
  • Great battles - Play through the 36 battles in the DotS expansion.
  • Pyrrhus - Two stages
    • Replay the Pyrrhus vs Rome campaign I did using MicroBattle.
    • Play Pyrrhus vs. Carthage on Sicily. I planned on doing this with MicroBattle. I may play it with both rules sets and compare the results!


  1. They look fantastic, and so useful for the game. How are you thinking to indicate which units are elite/ferocious and/or armoured?

    1. I have some markers - gray for armored, gold for elite, and red for ferocious. I'll post some after action reports next week with pics of the markers.

  2. I was planning on playing through all 36 battles as well. But I got stuck on the first one :-) and am now looking at playing Megiddo with a bunch of different rules.
