Saturday, December 7, 2024

Woodland Manse

A Ser Killian Micro Dungeon Adventure
Spoiler Alert - this adventure is loosely based on the D&D adventure Dragon's of Icespire Keep. You may not want to read it if you plan to play that adventure.

Ser Killian's Tale
This missive continues the tale of Ser Killian, originally told in this chronicle.

Ser Killian is a level 4 paladin. He is joined by his squire Haiden (L4 fighter), his confessor Martin (L3 cleric), and man-at-arms Nashad (L3 fighter).

In his last adventure, Killian and his party battled through various enemies to reach Falcon's Hunting Lodge. The owner then asked for help clearing out some marauding orcs.

Quick Aside for a Game Note
I was originally playing Ser Killian's adventures using my MicroQuest rules. But I ran into difficulties when the adventurers got their butts kicked by some orcs in a long, drawn-out battle. Seems that my damage / armor rules weren't working very well. So I shelved MQ until I could sort out the problem.

Anyway, as I've been experimenting with Micro Dungeon, it dawned on me that I could use MD to complete Killian's tale.

To the Manse
Falcon informs the party that there is an abandoned manse to the east in the woods. Once the home of a wizard, it now seems to be the stronghold of the orc marauders.

Along the way, the party runs into an orc warband. After a brief but intense fight, the orcs break and flee. Our heroes have taken some wounds.

Next, they get ambushed by blights, humanoid-looking plants that thrive on human blood. Once again, there is a brisk fight that our heroes win.

Finally, from the brush a pack of boars rush the party. Our heroes quickly kill the attackers.

The Manse
At the entrance of the manse awaits an orc shaman. As the party approaches, he warns them to leave.

Killian responds "We come to destroy the corruption that has blighted these woods. If you are not involved, then move aside and let us do our work."

The orc sneers, "I am the corruption." With that, he chants an incantation and an earthquake knocks the party off their feet. In an instant, he is among our heroes, smashing them with his staff.

The shaman dodges our heroes, striking again and again. Martin is bleeding profusely and must retreat from the combat. Killian covers him, only to suffer the wrath of the shaman. Before the orc can strike a killing blow, Nashad comes up from behind and strikes him down.

The Corruption
Inside the manse, they find a courtyard with a blackened tree in the middle.

Martin shivers and says, "This is the source. I can feel the evil."

Suddenly, the tree lashes out with vines, striking our heroes. This begins a terrible fight. Again and again, the vines lash out. Again and again, our heroes rush in and strike the tree's trunk. Little chips of wood fly, but the tree seems unaffected.

Blood runs freely from our heroes. The vines grasp Killian and squeeze him. Winded and bloodied, his strength is nearly sapped. Yet he breaks free, and rushes forth. In a little chink in the bark, Killian drives his sword. It penetrates into the blackened heart of the tree. It thrashes wildly, vines trying to withdraw the sword piercing. Its efforts are in vain. Within minutes, it sags and moves no more.

After this, Martin and Killian cleanse the manse of evil. With this, the orcs should depart.



About the Ser Killian campaign:
  • That worked surprisingly well. I think I will convert my Ser Killian campaign to these new rules.
  • Just checked - I have 3 adventures left in the campaign. Using Micro Dungeon should allow me to knock them out in no time!
  • Checking the Icespire Peak campaign book, I realize that Ser Killian and his compatriots should have leveled up last time. I will correct this going forward.
About the Micro Dungeon rules:
  • I did not use counters, or even the dungeon board. Instead, I had index cards with the monster starts on them. I laid them out face down then flipped them as I went. This worked well and leads me to a new option - monster cards. It's something I experimented with before but never completed. But I think it solves the problem I mentioned previously. I may design cards without images; that should speed up the creation process. They won't be index card sized. That's just too big. I'll probably make them half an index card.
  • I did use the tracking board. It just makes the game so much easier. I realize I can also use it to track spell points and potions.

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