A Ser Killian Micro Dungeon Adventure
Spoiler Alert - This is another adventure loosely based on D&D's Dragon of Icespire Peak. Even so, it may have some spoilers. You may not want to read this if you plan to play that adventure.
The Story So Far
Ser Killian and his retainers, Haiden the squire, Martin the cleric, and Nashad the man-at-arms, have recently recovered the sword of dragon-slaying from the dragon barrow and defeated the orc marauders plaguing the land.
Only one enemy remains - the white dragon of Icespire Peak.
Approaching Icespire Peak
Icespire Peak lies deep in the Sword Mountains. On a clear day, one can see the peak from miles around. Getting to it, however, is supposedly no easy feat.
But our heroes must be blessed by Daeus. They manage to traverse the perilous climbs of the peaks without significant incident. At one point, a band of harpies swoop down on the party but they disperse the creatures without too much difficulty.
And thus they arrive at Icespire Peak.
I think it is supposed to be more difficult getting to the Peak. There were some things to do just to find the way, for example. I just dispensed with all that. I did add some encounters to represent travel. But due to good dice rolling, our heroes managed to bypass most of those encounters.
The Dangers of Icespire Keep
Our heroes come upon an ancient keep built near the summit of the peak.
Taking up residence in outer works is a band of orc brutes. They attack the party. Martin smites one with divine power while Haiden and Nashad make short work of the rest.
In the main keep, our heroes run across another party of adventurers. At first, Killian is pleased to meet them and proposes to join forces.
"Be off with ye," the leader exclaims. "The dragon's treasure is all ours!"
Killian explains that he is not interested in the treasure. He just seeks to destroy the dragon.
"Ye take me for a fool? Ye'd be crazy to challenge the dragon!" the leader replies. Clearly, he does not trust Killian. With that, the leader gives the sign and a barrage of arrows rain down upon Killian and his men.
"Right, that does it!" Killian exclaims. "Charge!"
Martin unleashes a ball of fire but misses the target. Haiden and Nashad draw out bows they brought for use against the dragon. Their return volley strikes down some of the enemy. Then they follow Killian into melee.
The battle ends quickly. Our heroes make short work of the enemy.
The Dragon
The party reaches the roof of the keep. There, they find the white dragon asleep.

Haiden and Nashad are armed with bows. They loose arrows at the beast. Martin flings a fireball. All miss.
The dragon takes flights, swoops at the party, and breathes a cone of ice. Haiden is caught in the cone but the others manage to dodge.
The dragon attacks, striking Haiden and Martin with its claws. They manage to get in strikes as it flies by.
Again and again, the dragon swoops down on the party, wounding them. They manage a few hits in return. Then the dragon breathes ice again. Haiden is hit. He falters, and kneels. He is badly wounded. Martin rushes over to heal him.
The dragon swoops down at Haiden, looking to deliver the coup de grace. But Martin launches another fireball, which catches the dragon's wing. It spins to the ground.
Though wounded, the dragon still has plenty of fight. It recovers and charges Martin and Haiden. But Killian comes running, and interposes himself between the dragon and Killian's friends. As the dragon's maw closes on Killian, he strikes with the sword of dragon slaying. The sword pierces through the roof of the beast's mouth. It howls in rage and pain, and thrashes wildly. The sword, seemingly with a will of its own, buries deeper into the dragon's skull. With a final howl, the dragon crashes to the ground, dead.
Our heroes return, wounded but victorious, to Phandalin. They are showered with gifts from people all through Neverwinter who are grateful that the dragon is gone. Killian uses the money to finish building a church, with his old cleric, Winston, as pastor. Killian displays the sword and one of the dragon's teeth in the church. This draws visitors to the church. Phandalin, and Neverwinter, prosper.
The End
Thus ends the adventure of the Dragon of Icespire Keep. What next? Stay tuned to find out.
Some notes about this adventure:
- This post recounts my second battle vs. the dragon. The heroes won in the first, but I forgot that Killian had the sword of dragon slaying. I wanted to include it in the narrative so I replayed the fight.
- Nevertheless, Killian was useless through most of the fight. Haiden and Martin were the real heroes. I hope this account gives them due credit.
- When the dragon was down to 1 hp, I gave Killian the first attempt to hit. He did, and killed the dragon. I embellished the account a little bit.
- Killian's problem was that he was only armed with a sword and the dragon was flying. When the dragon swooped down, I had melee-armed heroes pass a test just to attack. More often than not, Killian failed these tests. I guess his armor weighed him down.