After my first arena battle, I mentioned that I was thinking of doing a skirmish campaign set in a dwarf-goblin war. Well, the campaign has begun.
I don't have enough goblins printed, so I decided to press some orcs into service.
The Story
Snorin is a young dwarf noble. Recently, the elders have given him charge of a squad of troops to patrol the dwarf mines.
Snorin receives word that a mining detail has gone missing. He leads his squad to investigate.
I'm using my arena as a chamber. Snorin's squad enters from the bottom. Snorin (upper left dwarf) is accompanied by 2 soldiers and an archer.
They spot 3 goblins in the chamber. Two more goblins and an orc are hidden behind a wall (I'm using one of my hills as the wall).
One of the goblins rushes the party. He does not last long.
Snorin takes on the goblin leader (middle left).
The goblin leader dies. But the goblin shaman (upper right) keeps the rest fighting.
The orc wounds a dwarf warrior. Snorin kills the goblin archer.
The dwarf soldier counterattacks the orc, wounding it.
Then the dwarf archer kills the orc.
At this point, the goblin shaman weaves a mist that allows it and the remaining goblin grunt to escape.
Victory for Snorin's first skirmish!
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