So far, Snorin has had 2 successful outings. Question is - where do I go with all this?
The Snorin Campaign
I'd like to create a campaign system for Snorin where the party's experiences enable them to grow in prowess. There are a couple of different approaches to take,
The RPG Approach
I would track experience and loot. Individual characters would level up and gain equipment, becoming more powerful in the process. As they do so, they can face bigger threats. This is an approach taken by RPG-style skirmish games like Nordic Weasel's Five series.
The problem with this approach is that it get fiddly keeping track of loot and experience for all the characters. That happened to me with Five Klicks from the Wasteland - I got a little burnt out tracking all that stuff.
The Captain's Approach
Basically, I'm only tracking the experience of the captain of the warband. An example of this approach is Pikeman's Lament. As he progresses, Snorin will gain traits and be able to select better followers. I'll also give luck points, enabling rerolls. This is my preferred approach.
What About the Others?
I happened to look over my previous posts where I showed my other skirmish figures. This made me feel a little guilty that I have not got them in action yet. I really should do something with them.
Back to the Arena
This is the most obvious approach - do an arena tournament. I could make it an elimination tournament. Let's see who's best!
Other Campaigns
Another option is to choose another pair and stage a campaign a la Snorin. I thought about using the Imperial army, setting a campaign in
my LARP world, and seeing how the legion does.
The Imperials are the middle row |
Squad Based Skirmish
As a captain or even a lieutenant, Snorin should be commanding more than 3 other warriors. I thought about doing a squad-based approach. The captain and perhaps some specialists would be individual figures and the rank-and-file would have multiple figures on a base.
For squad battles, I could re-use my big battle bases like these.
When I created them, I put a lot of figures on a base. I was going for a big battle look and I think I succeeded to well. There are just too many figures for me to accept this as a skirmish. For example, there are 96 figures per heavy infantry base!
For skirmish, I would prefer maybe 6-8 on a heavy infantry base. But that would involve creating new bases. Ouch! So this idea will just rattle around in my head for a while.