Saturday, October 19, 2024

Dwarves vs. Goblins in the Arena of Heroes

I completed my skirmish counter designs and started adhering labels to bases.

When I started Arena of Heroes as a miniatures project, I posted a poll on Lead Adventure Forum about which factions to start with. The result was dwarves and goblins. So without further ado, I present the first fight in my Arena of Heroes project!

Set Up
Dwarves are on top and goblins on bottom.
Each side has a leader, bannerman, caster, archer, and two grunts.

They're fighting in a cardboard arena. I rolled randomly and got 1 item of terrain. I'm using a wooden disk to represent a column.

The Rules
This will be a 6 turn fight. A team wins by inflicting the most damage on its opponent.

I am using a skirmish variant of my MicroBattle rules. 

Note to self: I need to post the most recent version.

The Fight
A swirling melee erupts around the column. The dwarf captain drives away a goblin grunt.

And the goblin bannerman. The goblin chief and henchman kill the dwarven bannerman and wound a soldier.

Another note to self: I need to get some kill markers.

The dwarf captain presses forward but the dwarves lose another soldier.

The dwarf captain kills another goblin while the goblin chief charges the archer,

Throughout all this, the archers and casters traded ineffectual attacks.

The horn sounds game end. Here is the butcher's bill - 2 KO'd goblins vs. 3 KO'd dwarves.

But the goblins have 2 wounded men still up while the dwarves have 1.

OK, coming up with a quick scoring methodology.

Dwarves: Kill 1 grunt (3 pts) and 1 specialist (4 pts) + wound a grunt (1 pt) and a specialist (2 pts) = 10
Goblins: Kill 2 grunts (6 pts) and 1 specialist (4 pts) + wound a specialist (2 pts) = 12 pts.

Victory for the goblins!

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