Battle Results
I haven't been taking pictures of all the battles, but I've been keeping track. Scores show remaining units at battle end.
- Marathon - Greeks 3, Persians 1. The Greek's armor proves decisive!
- Plataea - Greeks 3, Persians 1. The Persian archers cannot hit the broad side of a barn.
- Gaugamela - Alexander 3, Persians 1. See account below.
- Ipsus - Antigonus 2, Coalition (Cassander, Lysimachus, and Seleucus) 1. See account below.
- Raphia - Ptolemaic 4, Seleucid 1. Opposing elephants eliminated each other then Ptolemaic pikes prevail.
This battle features Alexander the Great and his Macedonian army vs. the mighty Persian Empire.
Things start poorly for Alex (red army) as the Persian scythed chariots wipe out his pikes.
While the pikes in the center sparred inconclusively, Antigonus's spears prevailed (right) while Seleucus's elephants triumphed on the other flank (left).
This sets up this final turn. The flanking spears wipe out the coalition's pikes. Meanwhile, Antigonus's pikes hold off the elephants.
Time for some Roman battles. There are 4 from the Republic days and 4 from the middle to late Empire. I plan to do them as 2 separate posts.